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CapReef has collected data on recreational fishing and fish resources in Central Queensland from 2005-09. A series of 15 reports have been produced over that time on various aspects of the data collected.

CapReef Report 2009
Author : Bill Sawynok
Size : 6.2MB

CapReef Report 2009 Summary
Author : Bill Sawynok
Size : 0.7MB

CapReef Tagging Report
Author : Bill Sawynok
Size : 0.9MB

CapReef BRUV Report 2008
Author : Bill Sawynok
Size : 0.8MB

CapReef Catch Report 2008
Author : Bill Sawynok Size : 0.7MB

CapReef Effort report 2008
Author : Bill Sawynok Size : 0.7MB

CapReef Hotline Flyer
Author : Bill Sawynok
Size : 0.2MB

Rosslyn Bay Pontoon Survey Report 2006
Author : Bill Sawynok
Size : 0.2MB

CapReef Frames Flyer
Author : Bill Sawynok
Size : 0.2MB

CapReef Gladstone 2011
Author : Bill Sawynok
Size : 4.2MB